Biscuit’s Rescue Story
We're excited to introduce you to Biscuit, one of our most beloved feline clients and the star of many of our social media posts and website! Biscuit's personality and adorable features have made him a favorite among our team and followers alike.
Biscuit's journey to becoming a cherished member of his family is a heartwarming tale of rescue and love. Here is his inspirational story:
Biscuit was rescued by Pawsitive Cause Non-Profit Animal Rescue, based in Holly, Michigan. He was found in Detroit, outside of an abandoned building, with his deceased siblings. Unfortunately, Biscuit was the only kitten who survived. The rescue knew on intake that he was not able to see out of either of his eyes, so they prioritized his weight gain and dehydration before deciding to conduct surgery on his eyes.
For the first few nights, Biscuit had to be syringe-fed. It was very rough for him, but he was strong and pulled through.
Biscuit’s eyes had not formed properly before birth, so he has always been blind. But both eyes had different conditions. One of his eyes was so tiny that it didn’t form correctly, this is called Microphthalmia. His other eye had a large ulcer covering it.
Biscuit had surgery to remove both eyes. Then he was ready to find his forever home!
Once Biscuit’s mom saw pictures and videos of him, she says her heart absolutely melted. She quickly convinced her husband to go visit Biscuit. The rescue put him in a little zip up tent at Petsmart so they could have one-on-one time with him.
“He was so playful and such a loving little guy, even though he had surgery just a few days prior. I just instantly fell in love with him. I wanted to adopt a kitty with special needs, figuring a lot of people would shy away from him because he is blind.”
Biscuit’s mom says that he amazes her every day! She was worried about him navigating his new environment, especially because they have two sets of stairs. But she says, “You would never know he is blind.” He has had no issues at all with learning the ins and outs of the house and navigating it flawlessly.
He even catches flies and bugs throughout the house!
“Biscuit is so smart and relies on his sense of smell and hearing to sense his surroundings. He is a huge mama's boy, and each morning he climbs up by my neck and curls up there and I pet him and he purrs so loudly. It's my favorite part of the day. He's just amazing and I feel so honored to be his mama. It makes you appreciate the resilience of animals and how smart they are. His disability does not slow him down or affect his sweet disposition.”
Now Biscuit gets to spend his days, doing what he loves! One of his favorite things to do is sit in the window and listen to the birds outside. He will do that for hours. He also loves chasing balls and toys that are on strings (especially with his awesome pet sitter, Ashley!)
He also really likes wrestling with his big brother, Norman. He gives Norman a run for his money! He is amazingly accurate when he chases Norm.
What advice would you give to someone considering adopting a rescue pet?
“I would tell them to not hesitate! Rescue pets just want love. I guarantee someone will receive so much satisfaction and love back from their rescue pet. It's very fulfilling to know you are helping an animal in need.
My best piece of advice is to have patience with them. Some pets have been through a lot of bad situations, whether it be abuse, neglect, or abandonment. It may take them a while to adjust to a new home, but I promise they will adjust!”
“And don't shy away from the special needs animals. You would be surprised how quickly they adapt and how smart they are. I was very nervous about bringing a blind kitty into our household. We have two Chocolate labs and two other kitties in the house, and it intimidated me to bring in a blind kitty, not knowing what challenges we would face. But everything went perfectly and we had no problems. They just need a little time, love, and patience!”