Building Cat Shelters
In warmer weather, shelter is usually not a problem for our community cats. When the temperature drops and winter sets in, that is when they need our help the most. Without a warm, dry place to take shelter our community cats can fall fatally ill, get frostbitten, or freeze to death. Providing adequate winter shelters is a must.
You can get creative when designing a cat shelter, but there are two things they must include: good insulation and limited air space.
Materials needed:
Styrofoam coolers and/or storage bins
Mylar bubble wrap
Insulated tape
Straw for bedding
Box cutter
It is very important that you use straw for bedding! Blankets, towels, and hay absorb both heat and water which can cause a cat to freeze to death. Straw repels moisture and stays dry.
Using the box cutter, cut a round doorway into the longest side of the box. Make sure it is big enough to fit a cat, but not too big that it won’t retain heat. To prevent flooding, cut the opening so that it is towards the top of the box.
2. Line the box with the bubble wrap and tape the bubble wrap together with the insulated tape. Make sure to insulate the lid as well, but leave enough room so you can still close the box completely.
3. Stuff the bin with straw and make sure the lid closes tightly. You don’t want to secure the lid permanently, as you will need to replace the straw at least once a year.
Once you have your box you are ready to place it outside for the cats to use. The more discrete the better, but still within close proximity to their food source. The more secluded the shelters are, the more cats are apt to use them. You can even camouflage the shelters by covering them with branches or placing them within bushes.
The photo above shows cat shelters that we made and placed at Clio Park for Mochi’s cat colony. We placed them in the woods, across from their food source, which is where we see the cats frequently. We made sure to not set them too close to the creek, as the creek floods often.
If you have styrofoam coolers or old storage bins that you would like to donate, please reach out to Jackie & Joe’s Pet Care or Angie’s Alley Cats to donate them today! We would love to turn them into cat shelters to help our homeless community cats.
Please remember- always spay and neuter your pets!