Keeping Your Pet Safe on the 4th of July
The Fourth of July is a time for celebration, fireworks, and barbecues. Unfortunately, for our furry friends, the loud noises and unfamiliar sights can be a recipe for stress and anxiety instead. As pet parents, it's our responsibility to ensure our pet’s safety and well-being during this holiday. Here are some tips to help your pet have a happy and stress-free Fourth of July:
1) Create a safe space at home
If fireworks displays are common in your area, prioritize creating a calm and familiar environment for your pet to feel safe within your home. This can look like a designated room with few to no windows. Make sure they have their favorite bed to cuddle on, along with familiar toys, and even a noise machine to help drown out the fireworks outside.
2) Talk to vet about calming aids
Some pets experience significant anxiety during holidays like the Fourth of July, so consider talking to your veterinarian about calming medications. Prescription medications like Trazodone can be a safe and effective way to reduce their anxiety and keep them relaxed during fireworks displays.
3) Work on desensitization training
Consider working on desensitizing your pet to loud noises. This looks like playing recordings of fireworks at a low volume, while gradually increasing the volume over time and offering positive reinforcement with treats or praise. It is important to consult with a professional dog trainer to create a safe and effective desensitization protocol. We refer clients to Compassion for Canines, a local dog trainer in Flushing, MI.
4) Prioritize ID tags and microchipping
Ensure your pet's collar has a secure ID tag with your current contact information. If your pet gets scared and accidentally escapes, an up-to-date tag is crucial for their safe return. Microchipping will also provide an extra layer of security for your pet. If your pet's collar falls off, a microchip scan can reunite you with your furry friend. Make sure your dog’s ID tags and microchip information are up-to-date in case they accidentally get lost.
Here are some other helpful tips for this holiday season:
Beware of holiday “treats”: Many human foods are toxic to pets. To be safe, please skip the barbecue scraps and stick to your pet’s regular diet to avoid an upset stomach or something worse.
Supervise around sparklers: Sparklers and fireworks can cause serious burns to both children and pets. Please keep them away from these items and any unsupervised flames.
Stay calm and collected: Pets pick up on our emotions, and if you appear anxious about the fireworks, it can heighten their stress about them as well. Make sure to project calmness and reassurance throughout the day leading up to the fireworks at night.
By following these tips, you can help your pet enjoy a safe and stress-free Fourth of July. Remember, a little planning and preparation can go a long way in ensuring your furry friend has a happy and healthy holiday! Happy 4th of July!