Mochi’s Rescue Story
It’s not unusual to find Charlie, a shar pei mix, and I taking a walk through the Clio Park Trail. The specific area that we walk through is well known as a drop-off location for unwanted cats and kittens, as we often see many stray cats during our dog walking adventures.
One particular July morning, Charlie suddenly lunged at some brush alongside the trail. Much to my surprise, when I pulled him back, I discovered that he had found a tiny kitten friend. Without a second thought, I quickly scooped the kitten into my arms.
Luckily, my husband, Joseph, came to my rescue and took the kitten home to care for it, while I got Charlie settled back at his home and finished the rest of my afternoon pet visits. Before I went home though, I decided to go back to the trail and see if there were more kittens. Again, I was in for a surprise, because as I approached I spotted two more kittens that looked exactly like the one I had just taken home.
Unfortunately, as I got closer to them I stepped onto something crunchy, most likely a leaf or a twig, and the kittens immediately ran off into the woods. For weeks after, my family, friends, and I would set food out for them in an attempt to capture them, but despite our efforts, we never saw them. I didn’t give up though, because every day that I walked Charlie I always looked for them…
The kitten that I was able to rescue, which we affectionately named Mochi, was in rough condition. He was literally “skin and bones” due to being dehydrated and famished, and he was also covered in cat lice. With lots of love, patience, food, and a visit to the Clio Animal Hospital, there was no stopping him though and he quickly became a cherished member of our furry family.
I didn’t see any sign of his siblings for months…until recently, at the beginning of December, I finally spotted them! Charlie and I accidentally scared a cat colony that was eating on someone’s back porch. My heart skipped a beat when I saw two gray and white fluffy kittens running with the group, both of which looked very similar to my Mochi!
I knew they had to be Mochi’s siblings, so I excitedly went back the next day to leave a note on the person’s door, asking them to call me to discuss the kittens. I’m so glad that I did because they gave me a call!
They told me that the cat colony they are feeding has two females who regularly give birth to kittens every year. This year (2023) one of the females had brought three gray and white kittens up to eat. They had noticed that one of them went missing in July (which is when I rescued Mochi) Unfortunately, up until this point, no one has been willing to help trap, neuter, and release (TNR) any of the cats. They guess that they are now feeding up to 16 cats.
They desperately need our help. Therefore, Jackie & Joe’s team is partnering up with Angie’s Alley Cats and All About Animals in a united effort to TNR (trap, neuter, release) Mochi’s entire cat colony family. We will also help provide food, vaccines, and shelter for Mochi’s family as well.
To help raise funds, Jackie & Joe’s Pet Care will also be donating 10% of our income throughout January!
Thank you!