Angie’s Alley Cats
Angie’s Alley Cats is a local resource for Genesee County residents who are currently taking care of community cats (community cats are cats that live outside, usually in groups, but are not considered anyone’s pets). This non-profit focuses on decreasing the number of homeless cats through trap, neuter, and release (TNR). This process involves trapping community cats, taking them in to get spayed or neutered, ear-tipped, and vaccinated, and then releasing them back into their community.
Angie started her non-profit in 2021 after her family member had reached out to her about finding kittens inside her wall. When Angie went to help, she soon discovered that they had been feeding multiple litters of young kittens along with many adult cats. She took the kittens into All About Animals, learned about their TNR program, and ended up getting her family member’s entire colony fixed. “It was a great feeling,” Angie stated. “Afterwards, I figured I already had traps, might as well find more cats.”
Angie has always had a love for animals and when there is an animal in need, it doesn’t take much to motivate her to help. When asked about her favorite experience so far, she had this to say: “We were attempting to capture two kittens and one of them walked right into the trap but was too small to set it off. Luckily, his brother came running and ran right inside after the other and the trap closed. It was my first two-for-one catch.”
Angie’s short-term goal for Angie’s Alley Cats is to be able to TNR multiple cats each week, without having to turn anyone away due to cost. Her long-term goal is to be able to take in more fosters and do more rescue work in conjunction with her work doing TNR.
“We are currently a small organization, with only 4 members. We have full-time jobs and do this in our free time. Every bit of help we receive is greatly appreciated!” If you are interested in helping Angie’s Alley Cats reach their goals check out the list we created to the right for some great ideas:
Angie’s Alley Cats has been a true blessing throughout Jackie & Joe’s mission to TNR a group of community cats at Clio Park. We can’t thank them enough for their support! If you are currently caring for some community cats and need help with TNR, the best way to contact Angie’s Alley Cats is to message them via their Facebook page or send an email to Thank you for caring about our local community cats and helping the homeless kitties!
Please remember- always spay and neuter your pets!