We love our community and the people, places, and pets that make our community so great! This blog features community pet resources for pet parents, local pet-friendly establishments, local pet rescue stories, and more!
Biscuit’s Rescue Story
Biscuit's journey to becoming a cherished member of his family is a heartwarming tale of rescue and love.
Fostering a Pet
Fostering is a vital part of animal rescue, making a real difference in the lives of countless pets!
AD Embroidery & Co.
A&D Embroidery & Co. is a local embroidery company that creates custom pet portrait clothing.
Walkin’ Paws Flint
Walkin’ Paws Flint is an in-home dog boarding business in Swartz Creek, Michigan
Clio Park TNR Project
As we wrap up our TNR project, we would love to share the difference you all have made for this colony!
Angie’s Alley Cats
Learn about the non-profit, Angie’s Alley Cats, and what they do for our local cat communities!
Mochi’s Rescue Story
Read about Mochi’s Rescue Story and how we are helping the rest of his family.
We want to feature YOU in our community blog!
Do you…
Own a local, pet-friendly establishment?
Make or sell awesome pet products?
Own a local pet-based company?
Own a local pet rescue or non-profit?
Have an amazing pet rescue story based out of Genesee County?